Sunday, February 26, 2006


How much for the Lucky?
Tell me the worth.
Are they chosen at random?
Are they chosen at birth?

Perhaps it's worth more
and lucky to lose
When the choice of the many
is the wrong one to choose.

To appraise much for what's little
and little for what's much
is a sign or poor values
and the folly of such.

The value of one
when compared to ones self
will give the true measure
against nothing else.

When the wise become wise
and the fools remain fools
they are deaf to each other
and set in thier rules.

So what brings something value?
Is it given or earned?
The fool becomes wise
when that something is learned.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Now and Then

Time truly is a valuable thing
Once it is lost, it's never regained.
Some will say they see time fly
while others sit and watch it go by.

Some people have too much time on their hands
and the days of their lives pass with the sands.
Others hands are tied to the minutes tight wound
and they count every one in perpetual countdown.

Some borrow tomorrow for where yesterday went
But time cannot be borrowed, saved, invested or spent.
Treasure today for as long as it lasts
Don't count on tomorrow or lose time on the past.

Now is the time and the time is at hand
to reflect only a moment so that you understand.
It's worth more than your money and less than your life
so swallow your pride and open your eyes.

It can never be stopped. Forever it moves.
You can count on yours ending without a second to lose.
It will bury you one day as the fates do allow
You can be late then but don't let it be now.

Je Suis Ici

Il y a trop de monde
et tout le monde est là.
Je suis ici
et je le préfère aime comme çà.

J'y vais quelquefois
mais pas très souvent.
Çà ne m'intéresse pas.
Il n'y a rien pour moi.

Il y a trop de bruit
Il me dérange beaucoup
Je n'en veux plus.
Combien en voulez-vous?

Je peux vous faire voir autre chose
Combien coûte-t-ce valeur?
Je vous ferais savoir
mais je suis ici et tant pis pour vous.