Friday, January 22, 2016

Emotional Solstice

Here, ruminating in the familiar darkness of this time of day
when they are sleeping under the same light that shines on us all,
I think of each of them; all of them.
The funeral with it's tears that most certainly flowed and those that were buried.
The wedding with it's tears that most certainly flowed around those that were married.
The happiness.  The sadness. The delight and the anger. 
The highs, the lows, and the precarious passages.
The crossed words, forked tongues, and masterfully mixed messages.

It's all so much and I've felt it all as I always have.

No one understands that better than me and yet, here I am -
ruminating in the familiar darkness of this time of day
when they are sleeping under the same light that shines on us all,
I think of each of them; all of them...