Saturday, September 24, 2005

You Know Me

I am strangely familiar to your heart and your soul.
You know me somehow, but how do you know?
Some kind of connection from some time in the past?
A blinded reflection of something that's passed?

These words are your own and you know them well.
They conjure your memory with all that they spell.
The lost and forgotten will come and then go.
You know me somehow, but how do you know?

Was it a dream or wasn't it real?
How do I know so well what you feel?
Why am I here at this place and time
with questions and answers, riddles and rhymes?

So say that you know me and know that it's so.
You know me somehow, but how do you know?
Because I have been with you as long as you've been.
I am here now and will be again.

I am strangely familiar to your heart and your soul.
You know me somehow, and how do you know?
Because I am all that you are and all that you know.
I am your heart and I am your soul.

Know Me.


Anonymous said...

I'll always enjoy these memories. Best of you and to your future, you know who;)

Anonymous said...

I am also a writer. I like to make people think with the things i write, and also i like reading things that make me think. I enjoyed this very much. I look forward to more.