Friday, September 08, 2006

The Playground is Gone

The playground is gone.
I was there
and it's been so long
since I was there
where we played

Oh. Where are you
My old friend?
Where are you?
Oh. I think of you
now and then
Where are you?

I sat where we sat
and I saw you there
all alone
I laughed at our laughs.
and the talks that we shared
walking home.

Oh. Where are you
My old friend?
Where are you?
Oh. I think of you
now and then
Where are you?

I've got a picture of you
and notes that we wrote.
way back when
And I still think of you
as my first crush and hope
my 'girlfriend'.

Oh. Where are you
My old friend?
Where are you?
Oh. I think of you
now and then
Where are you?

Now you're the first thought
when I think of those days.
with starry eyes
And I wonder by chance,
if we'll meet in our ways
again in our lives.

Oh. Where are you
My old friend?
Where are you?
Oh. I think of you
now and then
Where are you?

Now you have your life
and far away
I have my own.
The years have passed by
the place where we played
And the Playground is gone.

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