Monday, October 01, 2007


When I am here without the sights or sounds of the days,
all the memories gather around me to keep me company.
Even on the evenings when I wish to be alone,
they stop in for a nice fireside chat.

They remind me about the days gone by and the things that were said and done.
Even though I may wish to forget these things, they make sure to remind me again.
Though I wish sometimes that they would find another place to stay,
I never disregard them and they're never turned away.

They never seem weary from their travels, for they tend to stay up late into the night.
Even when I am trying to sleep, they continue speaking to me and throwing logs onto the fire.
It seems a little rude.
Occasionally, my dreams take note of what my memories have to say.

They come to me the next day asking questions, interrupting my work,
and making me wonder about tomorrow.
Some days I cannot get anything done because of all of the noise.
The memories always gather in the evening to let me know.

I hope that someday we can all sit down together and enjoy the days.
Until then, I will continue searching for the answers.

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