Monday, March 20, 2006


I am far away from what is familiar to me
Yet things here are familiar too; here with
all that can be seen, but little is truly known.

For all that ever was has often been put away
Into separate boxes here and yon
In dusty attics and cellars across the miles.

Photos of family, journals and personal effects
Cherished on the mantels of their days
Memories of things that fate has put away.

I am today’s apprentice, yesterday’s hope, and tomorrow’s memory
Nothing more and nothing less
Than the summers with my grandparents.

And many years will continue to find me
In the separate boxes here and yon
In dusty attics and cellars across the miles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being just one generation away from being placed in a dusty attic and forgotten, I found your observations/reflections deeply touching. Our life and legacy is left in the hands of those whose lives we either helped create or lives we may have influenced in other ways. I hate dust...please, no attic storage for me!