Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I Want to Go Home

I want to go home but I don't know where that is
Is it what I am missing? Is it where I'm missed?
Home is where the heart is but I just don't know
I've been so many places. I don't know where to go.

So many people and so many places
so many names and so many faces
I try to find comfort in the warmth of their breath
but it's rare to be found in such shallowy depths.

Another hotel room in another place.
My corner of the world in time and space.
Theres so much more to me than this.
I want to go home but I don't know where that is.

So is this the 'price' of success?
To achieve so much but be left with less?
I guess you really can't buy happiness.
Because I want to go home but I don't know where that is.


Anonymous said...

Very touching. Continue to write and I will continue to read. What you have to say means so much to me.

Anonymous said...

Good poem. So many say they are going home but it is not really home to them.

Anonymous said...

Home is within ourselves. Look for comfort and peace in your surroundings --wherever you might be. Home is contentment and acceptance of ourselves and knowing we are loved and accepted by others. I know you. You are loved, very respected, and much appreciated. Take this with you and home is where you are.