Sunday, April 02, 2006

No Words

I was once your age...many years ago
though I am a few years less than you.
Is that the reason for your animosity toward me?

I understand your pain and your lack of self control.
I can remember how it felt when I was the same.
Perhaps that is the reason that you don't talk to me.

Time and tide will take a toll and wisdom comes as we get old.
Your emotions consume you and all those around.
All of your foundations are burned to the ground.

I cannot return the favor of your fire
nor do I blame you for your lack of understanding.
It cannot be discussed because we would never agree.

I don't really mind that your silence is so loud
or that your bees are all around me, I only hope
that you will someday find your self respect so that you may tolerate me.

Until then, stare at me and I will smile
which you'll interpret as a smirk
but all in all and all the while that's just your mind at work.

No words would ever change your mind. We are night and day.
I've thought about it enough to find
there is nothing left to say.

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