Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Here There and Everywhere

How can the brightness be so dark
In such a loving yet lonely heart?
How can words have no feel?
How do I know what is really real?

Why was I made to think this way?
A heart and mind with so much to say.
When all of the others just blow away.
And no one ever knows.

It doesn't matter and yet it does
the things that are and whatever was
for a reason or just because
tomorrow never knows.

It's all in here. It's all in you.
There is no end to what we can do.
Speak with the many but think with the few
and you will be inspired.

Rest your ears and your eyes.
Let it be no surprise.
My ears are open to your heart.
Your answer is here, there and everywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice poem you send in to contests or the poetry periodicals? You should if you don' have some good use of your talent going on here....
you can visit my blog at,