Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Bridge

For some time now I have seen you.
Every morning as I drive in to work
you're sitting there on the guardrail of the bridge
under which I am sure that you live.

Every afternoon as I drive home from work
you're there.  Sometimes I wave to you - and you wave back.
Oftentimes I have thought about stopping to give you something.
But what would I give?

You don't carry the signs begging for money,
yet you show the signs of being in need of it.
Should I simply pack a box of toiletries and food
and drop it by on some certain day?

Money is fluid in my life.
I take it for granted and rarely grant it back. Spending all the while.
If I gave some to you, would you use it more wisely than I?
One who spends the equivalent of a meal on a simple cup of coffee.

We're of different races, backgrounds, and social standing
and social conditioning tells me to steer clear
but I have a heart of compassion
that feels ashamed of my daily indulgences while you go hungry.

Who am I to decide what you should do with what I might give you?
Why should I worry either way?
It is not up to me to decide your fate any more than it is for you to influence mine.
And yet our fates seem intertwined.

What should I do?  How can I help?
Would it make a difference to us
if I crossed the bridge?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw someone today that was pan handling and I thought many of these things. It might make a difference to him but I think it would definitely make a difference to you, ESP since you have put so much thought into it. Maybe you can give him some dr. Pepper :).