Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Here Today

You're front and center
which is where you should be.
Everyone who knows me knows you
and there is so much love.

I hope that whatever I have given you
before and after is enough
so that you don't have to know the pain and sorrow.
I've tried to create a new beginning and a very different tomorrow - for you.

It has cost me the life that I once knew.  That may be good.
But I feel sorrow that you should have to look upon the bricks and stones of my past.
I have never intended to tell you about the wars, or the stones, or the tainted grapes.
What's important is that you become who you will be, not because of who I was.

I hope that you'll be seen and I hope that you'll be heard.
Honesty and sorry have seemed to be the hardest words.

I was everything to everyone and yet nothing.
I was larger than life, but overshadowed all those years by the clouds
with all their darkness and thunder.
You brought the sun and the blue sky back to life - I knew those things once - and so
I hope that you will forgive me for loving you more than myself.

Am I selfish or selfless?
I don't know.

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