Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Hypocritically Politically Correct

Behind this edifice lies a loneliness
that cannot be denied.
Patience and principles are put on the stand
and ceaselessly are tried.

Pushed from the left
and pulled from the right
a moderate man walks the fence
and tries to keep his mind.

Though he has no enemies
He is the enemy to all.
No matter what he does to do what's right
he is set to take a fall.

With his hands in the air and hands in his pockets
he is told that he is no good.
Disregarded and discounted
he is often misunderstood.

Told not to say what he thinks
and less of what he feels
only HE can be sterotyped
by the mongrels on his heels.

Left alone when not needed
he is told he's obsolete
which sets the stage for past lessons learned
in history to repeat.

I was raised to be respectful and respectable
and to be good in word and deed.
Kind to all around me
and helpful to those in need.

Never have I been hurtful
or held intent to harm.
Yet today I am treated
as if I was raised in a backwoods barn.

So I bite my tongue and close my eyes
and feel resentment start to rise
towards those who often criticize
and demand that I apologize

for being a white guy in his middle age.
They say that I don't belong.
But I will not apologize,
because I've personally done nothing wrong.

And though I don't agree with all they say
I do not counteract
because in the wisdom of all the ages
I know that I'll be back.

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