Thursday, October 15, 2015


The shorter days of fall have grown longer here without you
as have the shadows cast upon me.
The waters edge seemed to have a spell cast upon you
and so you ventured there without me.

I hope the cool water soothed you from your day out in the sun
and perhaps numbed the pain that you have been feeling.
I hope that you drifted off as you drifted out
and death has brought you healing.

When I saw you there, so softly drifting in the sunlit waters
my heart sank to their depths
I swam out to you and pulled you in
and held you there and wept.

The waterline has risen
from my weeping and my tears
but you are safe now in my arms
where I've held you all these years.

Two old souls on the shore
One now free to roam.
One left with a broken heart
and future days alone.

The old black dog has come around
but I will not let it stay.
I wish that you were here, just one more time
to chase that hound away.

If there is comfort to be found
when we find our way to death
I hope that you did find it
when you took your final breath.

I hope that your spirit roams the fields
of that farm that you loved so much
I love you Jemma and am proud of you
for all the lives you've touched.

Goodbye my love ~ until we meet again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very heart felt my friend. Jemma has found peace and I hope you do as well. You both have touched each other’s lives in such a profound way. You have both touched many other lives and I think that those individuals are better for it.

The days ahead may not be as bright and you may feel alone. Carry Jemma's memories with you and wear them as a cloak on those rainy days. With those memories it is my hope the days will become brighter and if you feel alone or stumble while on your future path, I will be there with a hand stretched out for you my friend.

May peace be with you both.
